Social Communication and Multi Stakeholder Participation in Managing Flood Disaster in Bojonegoro District
social communication, stakeholder participation, flood disaster, rainfall, flood disaster victimsAbstract
Climatologically, Bojonegoro Regency has two seasons, namely the dry season and the rainy season. To monitor the average rainfall in Bojonegoro Regency, it is monitored through 22 rain catcher stations spread across 16 sub-districts. Rain catcher stations as parameters detect potential flood disasters. To overcome the flood disaster, communication between stakeholders is needed. The communication between stakeholders that is designed is communication between agencies and communication with other parties. Horizontal and vertical communication like this generates more anticipatory strength for flood disasters. The aim of the research is to explain social stakeholder communication in dealing with flood disasters, Analyze the social impact of flood disasters, Analyze temporary evacuation places. The approach used is institutional, the method used is qualitative, the research design is descriptive. Informants were taken from 12 agencies with a total of 24 people. In order to access the data, this was done using narratives submitted by victims of the flood disaster. The research results show that the social communication style that occurs in various problems of flood victims consists of several vertical and horizontal networks, including autonomous services, central agencies, and regions or with other parties. Disruption or loss of information about flood disaster victims between stakeholders can lead to misunderstandings so that decision making at the stakeholder level in dealing with flood disaster victims becomes inaccurate. The social impact that occurred was that 126 villages were flooded, 15,114 houses were inundated and 3,884 residents were displaced. In Bojonegoro Regency there is a temporary refugee camp which has a land area of one hectare and a capacity of 1,000 refugees, two fields are used as refugee camps.
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