International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends <p style="text-align: justify;">The International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends (IJSSCFRT) is an open access International Journal for scientists and researchers to publish their scientific papers in Social Sciences related fields. IJSSCFRT plays its role as a refereed international journal to publish research results conducted by researchers.</p> <p>This journal accepts scientific papers for publication after passing the journal's double peer review process within 4 weeks. For detailed information about the journal kindly check <a title="About the Journal" href="">About the Journal</a> page. </p> <p style="text-align: justify;">All IJSSCFRT published papers in Social Sciences will be available for scientific readers for free; no fees are required to download published papers in this international journal.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> Mohammad Nassar for Researches (MNFR) en-US International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends 2790-4008 <p>Authors who submit papers with this journal agree to the<a title="Copyright_Notice" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> following terms.</a></p> Media Diversity and Representation of Religious Minorities in Pakistan’s Mainstream Media <p>The quality of media diversity is that it offers equal representation to all social and religious groups and reduces conventionalization and radicalization. In civilized democracies, the governments monitor the performance of media operators, forcing them to maintain the culture of media diversity and programming in the interest of their citizens. Diversity is indispensable for the stability and richness of democracy and the well-being of any society. Failure to maintain media diversity destabilizes democracy, increases social distance, and brings isolation, and disruption in societies. This paper examined the conditions of religious minorities in Pakistan and tried to find whether Pakistan’s mainstream media equally represent religious minorities and portray their issues. The study found that the mainstream media of Pakistan neither represent religious minorities nor portray their issues. Likewise, media diversity does not exist in mainstream media, and ruling elites, parliament, and political parties failed to establish a diversified media culture, especially in the interests of religious minorities.</p> Jan Muhammad Awan Bt Ismail Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends 2024-03-03 2024-03-03 21 1 15 34 Enhancing Career Readiness Through Internship Efficacy, Career Adaptability, Soft Skills Development, Experiential Learning, Social Competency, and Curriculum Alignment: Hypothesis Development <p>This research paper explores the multifaceted approach to enhancing career readiness among university students through the development of internship efficacy, career adaptability, soft skills, experiential learning, social competency, and curriculum alignment. Through a synthesis of empirical studies, we investigate how these components contribute to preparing students for a successful transition into the professional world. The paper hypothesizes positive impacts of each variable on career readiness and utilizes a conceptual framework to illustrate the relationships among these variables. Our analysis underscores the importance of a holistic educational approach that not only focuses on academic knowledge but also prioritizes practical skills and personal development to equip students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st-century workforce.</p> Bao Wei Cheryl Phee Chiew Phaik Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 21 1 128 140 Challenges Affecting the Implementation of Continuous Assessment at the Secondary School Level in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province <p>Continuous Assessment (CA) has been introduced as part of the examination and assessment innovation in the Zimbabwean education system. CA is intended to be added onto the traditional assessment, that is, summative assessment in order to improve the assessment and evaluation of pupils’ performance, and ultimately the whole process of teaching, learning and assessment. This change has led to the introduction of standardised CA at secondary level. The qualitative study was to analyse CA practises in secondary schools of Bulawayo Metropolitan Province. The study specifically sought to find out the different assessment strategies and their contribution to the pupils. The qualitative methodology and a case study method were employed. Qualitative data was generated through the researcher as a data generating instrument, questionnaires, interviews, Focus Group Discussion documents analysis, and observations. The generated data was analysed through Thematic Content Analysis. The results show that the majority of the teachers in the secondary schools exhibited a high level of incompetence in the use of statistical tools, a skill for which is necessary in presenting the pupils’ performance in a neat and logical manner. The benefit of CA is that, it is guidance oriented since it involves data generating over a long period of time and yields more accurate data for the teacher to modify instruction. The study concludes that the challenges in the implementation of CA included that, some teachers do not possess the required competences for the implementation of CA.</p> Lois Nozipo Ngulube Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends 2024-05-11 2024-05-11 21 1 45 64 Evaluating the Influence of Organizational Learning on E-Commerce Acceptance Among Small and Medium Enterprise Practitioners: A Pilot Test <p>This study investigates the factors influencing the adoption of e-commerce technologies among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Xi'an, China, emphasizing the role of organizational learning, information culture, and advancements in digital technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI). Through a comprehensive literature review and quantitative analysis, the research highlights the critical impact of technological readiness, organizational culture, and strategic digital integration on e-commerce adoption. The COVID-19 pandemic's challenges and opportunities for digital marketing and e-commerce are also examined, revealing their essential role in sustaining SME performance during such unprecedented times. Employing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for data analysis, the study conducts a detailed psychometric assessment to ensure the reliability and validity of the constructs involved. This multi-phase methodology includes pilot testing to refine measurement instruments, followed by an in-depth examination of internal consistency, discriminant validity, and model fit. The findings reveal high construct reliability, satisfactory Average Variance Extracted (AVE) levels, and good discriminant validity, affirming the theoretical distinctions between constructs. Despite minor deviations from ideal benchmarks, the model demonstrates an acceptable fit, suggesting its adequacy in representing the complexities of e-commerce adoption among SMEs.</p> <p>By providing a holistic view of the e-commerce adoption landscape, this study offers valuable insights for SMEs to assess their readiness, understand the cultural and technological dynamics, and leverage advanced technologies for strategic planning and implementation. This research contributes significantly to the literature on e-commerce adoption in SMEs and presents practical implications for enhancing their competitive edge in the global marketplace.</p> Li Kai Feng Gary Tan Peng Liang Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 21 1 107 117 “Language Phenomena” under the Standard of “Experience”A Reinterpretation of Locke's View on Language <p>Within the framework of John Locke's empiricism, language phenomena, as objects of human cognition, are confined to the existence of natural languages. At the level of words, they primarily manifest in the form of "sound," and their meaning construction still follows the dialectical unity of "idea-word." If we reposition language phenomena under the standard of "experience," such language phenomena should then be characterized as part of psychological experience and natural experience, that is, the psychological form of language and the natural form of language. The psychological and natural forms of language phenomena are unified in the process of experience occurrence, stipulated by the rational experiencer, which thereby determines the source of meaning and the form of expression of language phenomena.</p> Lizhong Tan Fuping Xiao Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends 2024-04-05 2024-04-05 21 1 35 44 The Challenge of Support Staff in Public Universities Nigeria <p>Public universities are institutions of higher learning that are funded and operated by the government. These universities are usually established to provide affordable and accessible education to the public. The operations of these institutions involve an intricate interconnection of diverse factors, and each component plays a crucial role in determining its overall success and efficiency. The paper examines “the challenge(s) of support staff” whose operational dynamics involves a strong support system, the custodian of university records, safeguarding and maintaining the fundamental elements of the public university system, faced myriads of challenges, which includes heavy workloads, limitations in resources, technological hurdles, and administrative obstacles which hinders their performances and subsequently, the overall effectiveness of academic institutions. Using content analysis, the paper relies on secondary materials to present this data. It is discovered that, despite their critical role in safeguarding the sanctity of records, and providing support services, these categories of staff were most often relegated and seen as second rate instead as complementary. To enhance the performances and remedy the challenge being faced by support staff in public universities in Nigeria, it is recommended that there should be continuous training and retraining, eliminates the feud being experienced against the support staff to encourage mutual working relationship in streamlining administrative processes for efficiency and effectiveness.</p> S.A. Bambur PhD Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 21 1 118 127 Factors Influencing Double-Qualified Teachers of Undergraduate Higher Vocational Education: A Pilot Testing <p>This study investigates the factors influencing 'Double-Qualified' teachers in undergraduate higher vocational education. It conducted a pilot testing phase to assess the reliability and validity of the research questionnaire, ensuring the development of robust research instruments. The reliability testing involved surveying 50 participants and calculating the Cronbach's alpha coefficient, resulting in a high value of 0.989, indicating strong questionnaire reliability and internal consistency. Content validation was performed through expert judgment, with multiple experts in the field assessing the research tool's appropriateness and adequacy, aligning well with empirical standards and enhancing its validity. Construct validation uncovered significant correlations between work culture and various professional attributes, highlighting the influential role of a positive work culture in shaping professional identity, work role demands, personalized learning, self-efficacy, awareness of new roles, knowledge and experience transfer, occupational commitment, work role transition competency, and social support. The successful completion of the pilot study positions this research to contribute significantly to the understanding and support of 'Double-Qualified' teachers in undergraduate higher vocational education. The insights gained are expected to inform policy decisions, improve educational practices, and ultimately enhance vocational education in higher education. Further research in this area has the potential to address the evolving needs of educators in vocational colleges and elevate the quality of higher vocational education.</p> Xuke Wang Janaka Low Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends 2024-02-20 2024-02-20 21 1 1 14 Exploring Physical Literacy and Motivational Orientations: Their Impact on Physical Activity among Chinese College Students <p>This study delves into the concept of physical literacy (PL) and its critical role in promoting holistic engagement in physical activities (PA), with a focus on Chinese college students. It highlights the integration of psychological aspects such as motivation and confidence with physical competencies and cognitive understanding to foster active participation in PA. Utilizing assessment tools like the College Student Physical Literacy Questionnaire (CSPLQ) and the Situational Motivational Scale (SIMS), this research provides insights into students' self-perceptions of PL and their motivational orientations. A systematic literature review, adhering to PRISMA guidelines and using tools like Connected Papers, offers a comprehensive examination of the correlation between PL components and resilience, the challenges of assessing and enhancing PL across various populations, and the role of PE in developing PL and motivational orientations. This synthesis underlines the importance of integrating PL into educational curricula and health promotion strategies to support the development of resilient, healthy, and active societies. The study calls for continued innovation, research, and policy efforts to understand and nurture PL for individual and community betterment.</p> Ma De Hou Cheryl Phee Chiew Phaik Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends 2024-05-26 2024-05-26 21 1 85 94 Perceptions of Educators on the Implementation of Continuous Assessment at the Secondary School Level in the Bulawayo Metropolitan Province <p>The importance of assessing learning outcomes using a variety of assessment strategies or techniques and containing data from many sources, rather than the sole dependence on the one-shot examination, has long been recognised worldwide. This has led to major assessment policy changes in both developed and developing countries. Continuous Assessment (CA) has been introduced as part of the examination and assessment innovation in the Zimbabwean education system. CA is intended to be added onto the traditional assessment, that is, summative assessment in order to improve the assessment and evaluation of pupils’ performance, and ultimately the whole process of teaching, learning and assessment. Qualitative data was generated through the researcher as a data generating instrument, questionnaires, interviews, Focus Group Discussion, documents analysis, and observations. The generated data was analysed through Thematic Content Analysis. Results showed that the CA practices done by most of the teachers were faulty and deviated remarkably from policy guidelines except for practical learning areas. Teachers do not possess the required competencies for the implementation of CA. It was also observed that the tasks weighed the teachers down. Their greatest attention was on measuring cognitive attainment rather than including the affective and psychomotor behaviours of the pupils. The study concludes that the majority of the teachers in the secondary schools exhibited a high level of incompetence in the use of statistical tools, a skill which is necessary for presenting the pupils’ performance in a neat and logical manner.</p> Lois Nozipo Ngulube Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends 2024-05-11 2024-05-11 21 1 65 84 Transformation of Organizational Culture in Promoting the Effectiveness of Performance Success in Sukamakmur District Bogor Regency <p> </p> <p>The aim of the research is to analyze the culture of creativity in community services; Explaining the culture of productivity towards community services; Analyzing performance culture towards community services. The success of the sub-district government relies on a Culture of Creativity, a Culture of Productivity and a Culture of Performance. Therefore, when dealing with people, it is necessary to maintain pleasant verbal language. After the statement is issued, then action is followed to answer what the community needs. Service is the act of serving the needs of the community. Meanwhile, training is the process of socializing and internalizing the behavior of state civil servants regarding mechanisms, procedures, etc. to all state civil servants so that they carry out their duties well. Meanwhile, governance is the preparation and administration of an administrative system that can produce standard operational procedures. This research uses the "empirical research" method. Therefore, the approaches used are the services approach, governance approach and performance approach. Intentional collection of informants from several Sukamamur and Village District staff as many as 30. The data required is primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation, literature study and documentation. To determine the culture of creativity, culture of productivity, culture of performance, qualitative descriptive methods are used. Research shows that employee creativity in building performance is a planning strategy where the informant's answer to the formulated strategic plan is at a highly achieved level. Meanwhile, the factors that influence productivity are technical factors, production factors, organizational factors, personal factors, financial factors, management factors, location and government factors. Meanwhile, the informants' views on performance in public services are at a very high level. The conclusion is that a culture of creativity, a culture of productivity and a culture of performance influence the effectiveness of success.</p> Abubakar Iskandar Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends 2024-06-02 2024-06-02 21 1 95 106