Teachers’ Perspective on Science Education Program in a Philippine University


  • Justina Lantajo Leyte Normal University, P. Paterno Street, Tacloban City 6500, Leyte, Philippines


Science Education, science-teaching experience, teaching confidence, teachers’ perspective


This study focused on Science Education Program (SEP) in Leyte Normal University based on teachers’ perspective. From the findings of this study, all teachers in the SEP did not only meet but surpassed the general requirements of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) as per CMO No. 52, Series of 2007: Article II Section 3. Most of them are specializing in Biology. Moreover, many of them have 6 – 10 years of science-teaching experience, slightly confident and their research involvement was rated “Excellent” as revealed from the result.


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How to Cite

Justina Lantajo. (2022). Teachers’ Perspective on Science Education Program in a Philippine University. International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends, 14(1), 125–133. Retrieved from https://ijsscfrtjournal.isrra.org/index.php/Social_Science_Journal/article/view/1070


