Greenwashing in Bangladesh: How to Combat its Spread
Eco-friendly product, greenwashing, green products, seven-sins modelAbstract
Greenwashing is the skepticism in marketing communications where companies provide information regarding their eco-friendly products to gain more customer attraction, but they are far behind the truth. With the global trend, Bangladeshi firms also produce and market environment-friendly goods and services. However, taking the opportunity of consumers hovering towards green products, many Bangladeshi firms have started deceptive practices in their production and marketing that severely negatively impact sustainability. Nevertheless, public organizations, civil societies, and social media pressure can restrict greenwashing. The paper aims to identify how greenwashing is practiced in producing and marketing goods and services in Bangladesh. Also, the study investigates how social and legal frameworks can be used to combat greenwashing. The study examines 100 self-declared green products produced and marketed in Bangladesh through a seven-scale index. The results indicate that greenwashing is extensively practiced in Bangladesh. The 98% of products examined are involved in greenwashing with at least one scale of the index. The study has important implications for businesses, society, and policymakers.
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