Analysis of the Use of Sociological Theories in Ghana: Schooling in Perspective


  • Eliasu Alhassan University for Development Studies, Tamale NT0000-NT2701, Ghana


Schooling, theory, Sociology, perspective, Education


This paper is a contribution to the debate on how social scientists especially sociologist use different theories to explain the purposes of schooling, the relationship between the purpose and the theory as well as the researchers own views about the theory, the purposes of schooling in Ghana and the meaning of schooling in Ghana. The study is the outcome of a review of secondary data, a desk study method with evidence from some focus group discussions with opinion leaders, teachers as well as students.  Several key concepts, including the term theory, which we is used throughout the study because what one believes varies according to one's belief system or perspective, the various theoretical frameworks are examined showing how these frameworks alter the interpretations people have of the purposes and effects of schooling. The study distinguishes between theories of transmission and transformation, functionalism and conflict theory as well as examine interpretive and critical theories in relation to schooling in Ghana.  In conclusion the study gives a brief discussion of what he thinks may be future directions in the sociological theories informing schooling in Ghana.


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How to Cite

Alhassan, E. (2022). Analysis of the Use of Sociological Theories in Ghana: Schooling in Perspective. International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends, 16(1), 18–28. Retrieved from


