Empowerment of Islamic Education Management and School Based Management in Islamic Education Institutions Towards Achievement and Quality


  • Margono Margono Mitrohardjono, Lecturer of Postgraduate Program, MPI, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
  • Tarmizi Tarmizi, Leader of Daarul Qurán, Head of STMIK Between Nations, Doctoral Participant (S-3) MPI, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta.


Management Empowerment, Prospective Leadership, Student Achievement, Quality of Education


The purpose of this study is to reveal that Islamic Educational Institutions (IEI), must be able to prove their success in producing quality education and achievement in empowering Islamic Education Management (IEM) and School/Madrasah-Based Management. This research was conducted at the Daarul Qurán Indonesia Foundation. The method in this research is a qualitative approach, and an evaluative analytic method, based on observations and interviews. From the findings, the empowerment of management knowledge, and prospective leadership models, as well as the existence of achievement improvement programs and education quality programs. Obtained results; 1. The realization of school goals by completing the achievement of the vision, mission and program. 2. The realization of student achievements such as; a. Produce intellectual (cognitive) skills: b. High output value c. Learning strategies (cognitive abilities) are better, d. Better Verbal Information. e. Improved Motor Skills, and 3. The realization of quality education such as a. Quality culture, b. Discipline culture, c Culture of hard work, d. Customer satisfaction and others. Can be concluded that; 1. The success of the organization is highly dependent on leadership based on management knowledge 2. The application of a correct management so that it can achieve prestige or excellence and quality of education.


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How to Cite

Margono, & Tarmizi. (2021). Empowerment of Islamic Education Management and School Based Management in Islamic Education Institutions Towards Achievement and Quality. International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends, 10(01), 7–21. Retrieved from https://ijsscfrtjournal.isrra.org/index.php/Social_Science_Journal/article/view/129


