Applications of Functional Analysis in the Management of Problem Behaviors and Intervention Strategies


  • Professor Carlo Cimino “Le Streghe” High School,Via Santa Colomba,82100 Benevento,Italy


functional analysis, observational tools, problem behavior, behavior diary, observation sheet, antecedent situation, intensity, duration, frequency, stimulus situation


This paper reports on the work carried out in a school setting, focusing on a case study of an individual with intellectual disabilities who had significant behavioral challenges. The problematic behavior was operationally defined by describing its form, function, intensity, duration, and frequency. Functional analysis was then conducted, in accordance with the behavioral and psycho-educational literature, by analyzing the relationship between Antecedents, Behavior, and Consequences, in order to predict and control the problem behavior. Once the behavior was defined and the link between A, B, and C was analyzed, it was possible to modify the behavior by intervening in the triggering factors of the antecedent situation, as well as the contingent reinforcement in the consequent event.


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How to Cite

Professor Carlo Cimino. (2023). Applications of Functional Analysis in the Management of Problem Behaviors and Intervention Strategies. International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends, 18(1), 207–213. Retrieved from


