The Influence of Information Management Towards Teachers’ Commitment to Work in Selected Private Primary Schools in Namutumba Town Council


  • Yusufu M. Nagaya Team University, Namutumba Town Council, Namutumba District, Uganda


Information Management, teachers’ commitment to work, private primary schools and Namutumba Town council


This research examined the influence of information management towards teachers’ commitment to work in Selected Private Primary Schools in Namutumba Town Council in Uganda.
It was revealed that head teachers' information management political strategy had a positive and moderate significant influence on teachers’ commitment to work (? = 0.578, N = 162, p = 0.000 < 0.05). It is thus being concluded that while head teachers seek to manage information in a way that can transform the schools, the way one head teacher manages information is different from another. Some head teachers may utilize information for the better while others may utilize it negatively. This may affect the way administrative staff perform their job especially when information is managed the wrong way by the head teachers.


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How to Cite

Yusufu M. Nagaya. (2023). The Influence of Information Management Towards Teachers’ Commitment to Work in Selected Private Primary Schools in Namutumba Town Council. International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends, 19(1), 186–206. Retrieved from


