An Assessment on Home Factors That Influences Teenage Pregnancy and Possible Strategies to Address the Problem Among Girls in Public Secondary Schools in Temeke Municipal Council
Teenage pregnancy, public secondary schools, Teenage and adolescentAbstract
This paper sought to examine the relationship between home factors that influences teenage pregnancy and suggesting possible strategies to address the problem among the girls in public secondary school in Temeke Municipality. The study was guided by post-positivist philosophical assumptions where causes determine effects or outcomes. Post-positivists hold a deterministic philosophy in which causes (probably) determine effects or outcomes. About 440 respondents from eleven (11) public secondary schools were used during the data collection. A quantitative approach was used, and data were collected by structured questionnaires and analyzed using International Business Machines Statistical Package for Social Sciences (IBM SPSS) software. The correlation analysis showed that P-value was (0.036) at a 0.05-degree level of freedom which means that the P-value obtained is less than 0.05, this indicates that there was a relationship between home factors and teenage pregnancy. Descriptive statistics analysis of data revealed that the majority of the respondents indicate that, there is a relationship between home factors and teenage pregnancy among the girls in public secondary school in Temeke Municipal Council. The study concludes that home factors were the major determinant factors for teenage pregnancy among the girls in public schools in Temeke Municipal Council. The study recommends that to rescue a large number of teenage pregnancies every year, the Government, private sectors, and mass media owners should dramatize teenage pregnancy and its effects through the usage of audio-visual aids such as DVDs that portray the effects of teenage pregnancy.
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