Evaluation of the Implementation of Learner-Centered Approach in Teaching and Learning Process in Tanzania: A Systematic Review
Learner-Centered, Tanzania, Teaching and Learning, Learner-centered TrendAbstract
In the current (21st century) world, skilled and competent human resources are inevitable for any nation. Reforms in education are one of the strategies for building the human capital that is infused in this modern world. Tanzania adopted the learner-centred approach in all education systems to comply with these social and economic development changes. This study aims to review research trends and obstacles to implementing the learner-centred approach to teaching and learning in Tanzania, encouraging additional study in areas with known research gaps. The study examined 20 articles from electronic journals published between 2016 and 2023. The bibliometric and content analysis designs were used to select articles from Google Scholar. The study found more studies on implementing the learner-centred approach in Tanzania. The mixed research method and the case study research design were found to inform more of the reviewed articles. The effectiveness of the learner-centred approach was the least searched area. The most studied education level was found to be secondary schools. Moreover, the study found that teachers prefer teacher-centred rather than learner-centred approaches. Furthermore, insufficient teaching and learning materials and in-service professional development challenges are primarily observed in implementing a learner-centred approach in Tanzania. These gaps are crucial for decision-makers who need to identify research gaps and develop strategies to overcome obstacles that prevent the adoption of a learner-centred approach in Tanzania.
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