A Critical Analysis of Marketing and Strategic Plan Venture into China Market: Case Study of Padini


  • Eern Yie Choo Taylor University, No 1, Jalan Taylor, Selangor, 47500, Malaysia
  • Seow Ping Tham


Marketing mix, business environment, SWOT, regional market, Chinese market


This article will be concentrating on the marketing strategies and plans that a Malaysian fast-fashion company, Padini Holdings Bhd should consider when entering China. With its strong economy and huge population, China offers a large consumer base, hence making it a promising country for Padini to venture in. Supported by its strong financial background and experience in other overseas markets, it is very feasible for Padini to succeed in their expansion into China. Furthermore, this article has highlighted internal and external factors of Padini by using SWOT Analysis. Padini should also be aware of their potential direct and indirect competitors in the Chinese market, such as Peacebird and Uniqlo. Additionally, when venturing into new market, Padini should take into consideration the business environment there. Eight dimensions including economic, social and cultural, technology, political, infrastructure, ecological factors, regional market characteristics as well as the opportunities and threats analysis will be discussed below. Following, the appropriate segmenting, targeting and positioning strategy for Padini to pursue in China are proposed. Later on, key strategic campaign decisions will also be highlighted. The strategies for each P in the Marketing Mix Strategies will be elaborated in-depth as well.


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How to Cite

Choo, E. Y. ., & Tham, S. P. . (2021). A Critical Analysis of Marketing and Strategic Plan Venture into China Market: Case Study of Padini. International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends, 10(01), 49–63. Retrieved from https://ijsscfrtjournal.isrra.org/index.php/Social_Science_Journal/article/view/853


