Environmental Factors that Affect the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students during COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Eric Ragpala Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University, Mid La Union Campus, College of Graduate Studies, City of San Fernando, La Union 2500, Philippines


environmental factors, COVID-19 Pandemic, thematization, purposive sampling, qualitative approach


The COVID-19 pandemic affected several countries' educational systems, particularly on platforms for teaching and learning. One of the countries that have shifted its educational environment to an online and modular learning modality is the Philippines. As a result, several researchers conducted a study into the various factors that have been linked to student academic performance. This study focused on the environmental factors that affected senior high school student's academic performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thematization was employed in this study that highlighted the qualitative approaches in the determination of the environmental factors faced by the senior high school students in their online classes and their coping mechanisms. In this study, online learning experience during the COVID-19 pandemic, quality of education amidst pandemic, environmental factors, academic performance, and coping mechanisms are the themes that were developed based on the respondent's answers. This study used purposive sampling in selecting the respondents that helped the researcher focus on the students' specific traits that are of interest. The environmental factors that were found out are noise, temperature, light, and air quality in respondents’ study area. The researcher also found out other factors that affect the academic performance of the respondents aside from the environmental factors mentioned, such as family, peers, teachers, online games, social media, time, internet connection, health condition, and attitude towards learning.  


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How to Cite

Ragpala, E. . (2021). Environmental Factors that Affect the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students during COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends, 11(1), 1–19. Retrieved from https://ijsscfrtjournal.isrra.org/index.php/Social_Science_Journal/article/view/863


