Evaluate the Influences That Affect Students Writing Skill Performance: In Case of Second Year Major Students
Performance, Writing Skills, EvaluatingAbstract
This study was directed to categorize and examine the influences distressing students writing skills performance in Adigrat University. Year three students from a Adigrat university was the objective population. The study was utilized based on appropriate data collection from interviews from students and teachers; data analysis result from students’ questionnaires. There are boundless opportunities for suitable solution to progress writing skill performance and it is unbearable to examine every single one there is in a research action however researcher has selected suitable methods to decorative the various factors affecting students’ writing skills and to shows that the intensity of all parties were related to each other’s. Researcher acknowledged that it was evidently true that learning writing skill poses a number of problems to the students, as it is a skill that is
difficult to master; teachers too faces excessive encounter to teach writing skills as students may sometimes find it confusing and difficult to understand or failed to produce effective writing in English. The discoveries of the study publicized that there are a number of influences that underwrite to poor writing skills performance among students and consequently, these influences affect the quality of student writing and the issues need to be addressed if students’ writing skill is to be upgraded.
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