Metaphor in Contemporary American Slang: Sociocultural Aspect


  • Elena Kuznetsova WSB University in Gdansk, 80-216, Poland


conceptual metaphor, metaphor-culture interface, lexical unit, socio-cultural values, American slang, semantic shifting


Linguistics in recent years increasingly turns to the study of a living spoken language, officially standing outside the accepted, standard literary canons.  A special place in the formation of slang expressions is occupied by metaphors, which are often associated with the socio-cultural context. There are a number of slang metaphors that require cultural background information to interpret correctly; one can distinguish slangisms that have a general relevance to a given culture, as well as slangisms reflecting the cultural values of a certain subculture within the dominant culture; it is possible to classify groups of culturally connotated slangisms depending on the area to which they belong. Cultural allusions can be names of popular brands, advertising slogans, etc.


. B. Dumas. “Is Slang a Word for Linguists?” American Speech v. 53, pp. 5-17, 1978.

. C. Eble. Youth Slang Studies in the USA II Jugendsprache, langue des jeunes, youth language. Peter Lang: Europaisher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1998.

. E. Partridge. Slang Today and Yesterday. New York: Routledge, 1984.

. N. Arutyunova. Metaphor and discourse. The theory of metaphor. Moscow: Progress, 1990.

. R. Andersen. The Book of Slang. New York: Jonathan David Publishers, 1975.




How to Cite

Kuznetsova, E. (2021). Metaphor in Contemporary American Slang: Sociocultural Aspect. International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends, 12(1), 45–47. Retrieved from


