Factors Influencing Transformational Leadership among Lecturers in Public Universities of Xi’an, China: A Pilot Test
Transformational Leadership, Psychometric Evaluation, Reliability and Validity, Organizational Behavior, Public Universities in ChinaAbstract
This study examines the factors influencing transformational leadership among lecturers in public universities in Xi’an, China, focusing on the reliability and validity of a pilot test measuring job satisfaction, organizational structure alignment, organizational justice, social responsibility, mindfulness, and spiritual intelligence. Using Cronbach's Alpha, Composite Reliability (rho_a and rho_c), and the Heterotrait-Monotrait ratio (HTMT), the study confirmed the reliability and validity of the measurement instruments. All constructs showed high internal consistency (Cronbach's Alpha: 0.872-0.943) and robust Composite Reliability. Convergent validity, assessed through the Average Variance Extracted (AVE), exceeded the 0.5 threshold for all constructs. Discriminant validity, evaluated using the HTMT ratio and the Fornell & Larcker criterion, revealed some high HTMT values, indicating potential overlap, while interaction terms demonstrated better discriminant validity, highlighting nuanced construct relationships. The study underscores the importance of rigorous psychometric evaluation in organizational research. Validated constructs provide reliable tools for both researchers and practitioners, enabling accurate assessments of organizational dynamics and informing strategies for improvement. Additionally, the study identifies areas for further refinement and calls for future research to validate these constructs across different contexts and cultures, ensuring broader applicability and robustness of the measurement instruments.
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