Relationship between Academic Self- Concept and Academic Achievement of Undergraduate Students
Academic Self-concept, Academic Confidence, Academic Achievement, Academic Effort, Undergraduate StudentsAbstract
Present study aims at assessing the correlation between academic self-concept and academic achievement of under graduate students. A sample (n = 76) of undergraduate students enrolled at University of Karachi was utilized for the purpose of study. The study adopted descriptive correlational research design. A validated Academic Self Concept Scale (ASCS) developed by Liu and Wang (2005) was administered to gather data. Respondents were also asked to report their Grade Point Average of previous semester to evaluate the level of achievement. For analyzing the data, the descriptive statistics were applied to find the levels of academic self-concept and academic achievement. Furthermore, Independent sample t-test and Correlation (r) was ran to analyze the differences in male and female respondents and the correlation of the variables respectively. The study concluded that the mean scores of academic self-concept for undergraduate students was 3.76 while their GPA score was 2.62. Moreover, the results indicated a positive and very weak relationship between the variables (r = 0.08, P< 0.001) with no significant difference among genders. In line with the obtained results, it is recommended that the academic self-concept and academic achievement must be concurrently emphasized to the benefit of students.
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