Transformation of the State Civil Apparatus Communication System in Public Services in Sukamakmur District Bogor Regency
state civil servants, internet computers and telephones, universal service obligations, services via e-services, communication system transformationAbstract
Advances in the field of information communication and technologies have enabled people to access information and knowledge from various sources, in all parts of the world, so that physical "separation" no longer limits the space for thought and creativity in advancing people's lives. However, it is a fact that internet network facilities in Indonesia are still focused on urban areas. Based on this, it is very necessary to transform the communication system of the State Civil Service through information communication and technologies in public services in Sukamakmur District. Communication is an integral part of human life from birth to death, therefore communication is defined as the process of exchanging information between individuals. The research objectives are: Identifying the ICT services used, explaining views on ICT devices; Describe the ability to use ICT systems. The research design is descriptive qualitative. The sampling in the research is in two or more stages. The data collected is primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews and FGD. Data analysis through content analysis and Likert scale. The research results show that most state civil servants prefer internet cafes, DISC and internet cafe services. On the other hand, they use computers, WA and telephone. The services produced are administrative services, goods services and services. One of the important elements is transparency, non-discrimination, non-closure, no social polarization, fairness to all without distinction of religion, ethnicity, race and class. The State Civil Apparatus is very capable of operating ICT and quite capable of operating ICT. This means that there is success in utilizing ICT tools
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