Transformation of Organizational Culture in Promoting the Effectiveness of Performance Success in Sukamakmur District Bogor Regency
effectiveness, function, creativity, performance, society, productivity, service, tasksAbstract
The aim of the research is to analyze the culture of creativity in community services; Explaining the culture of productivity towards community services; Analyzing performance culture towards community services. The success of the sub-district government relies on a Culture of Creativity, a Culture of Productivity and a Culture of Performance. Therefore, when dealing with people, it is necessary to maintain pleasant verbal language. After the statement is issued, then action is followed to answer what the community needs. Service is the act of serving the needs of the community. Meanwhile, training is the process of socializing and internalizing the behavior of state civil servants regarding mechanisms, procedures, etc. to all state civil servants so that they carry out their duties well. Meanwhile, governance is the preparation and administration of an administrative system that can produce standard operational procedures. This research uses the "empirical research" method. Therefore, the approaches used are the services approach, governance approach and performance approach. Intentional collection of informants from several Sukamamur and Village District staff as many as 30. The data required is primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation, literature study and documentation. To determine the culture of creativity, culture of productivity, culture of performance, qualitative descriptive methods are used. Research shows that employee creativity in building performance is a planning strategy where the informant's answer to the formulated strategic plan is at a highly achieved level. Meanwhile, the factors that influence productivity are technical factors, production factors, organizational factors, personal factors, financial factors, management factors, location and government factors. Meanwhile, the informants' views on performance in public services are at a very high level. The conclusion is that a culture of creativity, a culture of productivity and a culture of performance influence the effectiveness of success.
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